
Friday, May 23, 2008

What DXSynergy Taxes?

The old cliche is that there are only two constants in life: Death and Taxes. While this may be an over-generalization, it is definitely time for us all to start thinking about the second constant - taxes.

Over the past year I have had many people ask my advice on how taxes are to be reported with DXSynergy. Not being an accountant I have often turned away these questions with a simple "You need to talk to your accountant." I even did the same thing.

The problem is that most accountants will be unfamiliar with the way that DXSynergy works, and trying to explain it to them is, well, you know, difficult.

This is why I was happy to hear of one of my DXTrainers deciding to write an e-book on taxes when dealing with DXSynergy.

Bob Davidson has just finished a brilliant e-book on how you can save money on taxes. He goes down to every detail, including how to report DXDebit, Credit Line, your console activity (or inactivity), and more. He even shows you ways that you can save money on your taxes.

This e-book won't be available until 1st February, but I convinced Bob to write a free report that includes a few tax-saving tips. You can go to to download this free report.

Even if you don't want to buy the e-book I highly recommend that you download this free report. It will open your eyes to a few concepts that you might never have thought of before.

by Matthew Glanfield

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