Choosing Digots to Purchase
Hi, you have to know the kind of digots to purchase, so if you are ready, lets continue,
Below are the exact steps I use to work within the DXSynergy/DXInOne DXPortfolio system and it's working well at the moment.
Here we go, step-by-step:
NOTE: When you see terms with an arrow between them that means to click on the menu item name and then traverse the sub-menus. For example if you see this:
Personal -> DXProfile -> Summary
that means click on the Personal menu item at the top of the page, then drag your mouse down to DXProfile and then drag your mouse down and over to Summary and then click your mouse button to select this choice.
First, transfer your e-currency from one of your e-currency accounts (e-Gold, AlertPay, NetPay, etc.) (Though I would prefer E-gold as they are safe, convenient and easy to fund) to your DXSynergy account. For the remainder of this example, I will use e-gold as the form of e-currency.
1. Log into your DXSynergy/DXInOne Account
2. Take a quick look at your DXSummary:
Personal -> DXSummary
These are your current balances. At this point, everything should be $0.00.
3. Transfer money from your e-gold account to your DXSynergy/DXInOne Accounts Incoming Balance:
Personal -> DXAccounts -> InXchanges -> E-Service
In the following screen you will see lots of e-currency choices in the "Choose An E-Service To InXchange From" section. For this example we will click on the E-Gold (Gold) choice. Click the button so it is on and click NEXT at the bottom of the screen.
In the "Choose An External Account To InXchange From" section you should only have one e-gold account at this point, so click the circle on the right to select it.
Next in the "Choose A DXAccount To InXchange To" section, select your main DXSynergy/DXInOne DXAccount.
Last, in the "Enter InXchange Currency & Amount" section, Choose USD as the InXchange Currency and type in the amount of money you want to InXchange from your e-gold account and click Preview InXchange.
The next page summarizes your choice. When you're ready, click on the InXchange Now button at the bottom. You may Edit InXchange if you want to change something.
If you chose InXchange Now you will be connected to your e-gold login page. Log into your account to finalize the transfer. Once completed, you will be directed back to your DXSynergy/DXInOne account.
4. Next you must transfer the money you just added to your Incoming Balance to your Reserve Balance:
Personal -> DXPortfolios -> Reserve Balance -> From DXAccount
Select the "Choose A DXAccount To Transfer From" and the "Choose A DXPortfolio To Transfer To". In the Transfer Currency field at the bottom of the page, choose DXG as the currency. In the Transfer amount, enter your Incoming Balance total and click Preview Transfer. On the next screen, confirm your choice and click "Transfer Now!" button.
5. Now you're ready to Buy digots:
Personal -> DXPortfolios -> Buy & Sell Digots -> DigotScreen
Select the DXAccount you want to use (you only have 1), and click Next
DXSynergy - Choosing Digots to Purchase
Section E - Choosing Digots to Purchase
Now this is where you will hear lots of different ways to pick digots, which ones to buy, how much to spend, etc. I am giving you my advice on how I choose digots for the lowest price and premiums and best performance. You can do as I do, or check the forums to see if you like someone else's strategy better. E-books are a very good resource for multiple strategies at different stages in managing your DXPortfolio.
Here's what I do:
Since I'm only buying USD digots in my USD DXAccount, I first click on the North America Continent, or choose North America from the Continent menu pick.
Next, I choose United States of America in the Country menu pick and then click View DigotScreen. Don't touch the values that are pre-filled in for you.
On the next screen you will see all the US digots available for purchase. I sort these by Price by clicking the little up-arrow on the Price column. Now my digot choices have the cheapest ones at the top of the list.
The next thing to look at is the "Premium" column. This is the percentage you will pay per digot when making your purchases. The higher the premium, the more money it will cost you to buy. I always purchase the lower priced digots with the lower Premiums. This saves money on purchasing fees.
I do not recommend Spreading your purchases with the Spread Amount choice on the page. It's your choice.
See how much money you have in the Reserve Balance at the top of the page. That's how much money you have to purchase digots with. Start typing in the number of digots you want to purchase for each e-currency. Once you click to the next field, you will see in how much these purchases will cost. Keep typing in numbers until you spend most of your Reserve Balance. If you lose track, then just click the Preview button at the bottom to see how much money you've used up so far with the choices you're making.
Keep an eye on the "Payable From Credit Line" each time you click Preview. This is the total of your Premium and "Total Buyers Fee". This is how much you transaction fees will be. This value gets added to your Credit Line. Your Credit Line does not have to be paid back, but it does figure into how much DXG your will be able to use for the next session.
When you're happy with your digot choices, click the Buy Now button and you're done. You have just purchased digots for your first e-currency trading session!
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